Edge Insights

Reimagine Business - Transforming Businesses with the Power of Security

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Photo Credit: Pixabay

It’s a brand new future. To catch up with the fast-moving world and stay at the forefront of the industry we embark on - a future business transformation. Security is the solid foundation here. Provides holistic transformations expertise, unlocks the full business potential, irrespective of external forces and changes that lie ahead, and much more. Read to know how and why security is a key enabler for business transformation. 

The pandemic onset has resulted in many changes, from individuals to enterprise functions. Initial eight weeks = lockdown of the world’s 20 largest economics. Enterprises had to reassess their business processes, move the workforce to a work-from-home environment, and embrace remote management, to maintain business continuity. In addition to unexpected short and long-term change plans, businesses implemented significant technology changes to facilitate remote work and ensure data security.   

A medical crisis quickly turned into nefarious actors’ unimagined opportunity to access valuable data. Quick recovery optimism evaporated, and a big question: How do we prepare for the future loomed? Why? The chink in security armor were either short-sighted strategies incorporated during digital transformation(DX) or untrained employees. The patching mechanisms and traditional approach to network monitoring even failed to address these cyber-attacks.  Recent cyber breaches that had negatively impacted businesses, individuals, and the government have confirmed this fact.  

Supply chain threats & ransomware increased and continued to affect all verticals during the pandemic to varying degrees. Essential supplies were found out of kilter. Attacks on critical infrastructure directly disrupted the operation of the target system. 

The pandemic induced cloud adoption, intense digitalization, heightened need for security, and hyper-automation to keep pace with competitive edge. Companies started to comprehend the role of robust security and how they integrate it in their business transformation initiatives to thrive in the new normal. Inherent security reduces time-to-market, accelerates agile implementation, and increases operations flexibility.  

A 4-step Multi-Pronged Approach to Boost Security and Enable Successful Business Transformation  


Don't confine security actions till CIO. Let the security team take charge to embed security and broader resources into transformational strategy. CIOs should be a facilitator of change and advisor. They must define and formulate the role of security in a transformational journey, with the prime goal to embed security in business processes.  Define roadmap and focus on promoting collaboration to enable cost efficiency, speed to market, productivity, and agility.  


Perception change has to happen throughout the business. All C-levels employees, including CISO and CIOs, must communicate with senior staff to ensure security & business alignment and ensure they move forward towards the same business aim.  While stating business transformation vision, CIOs must state the critical role of security. It encourages advocacy and security-aware business.  


Security team consistent engagement is key to successful business transformation. CISO and CIO should introduce a "champions" network across security domains & transformation and feedback loops to enable this. This enables co-operation and consistent collaboration.  


Consider and support the cybersecurity team to embark on the business transformation of their department. For example, helping security function move towards selective outsourcing and automation to ensure staff focus on necessary business outcomes.